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The Focus of Our Efforts

The children from Mitchel Troy have created a video to help get their voice heard, unfortunately our website does not support the video but we have managed to upload this to our facebook page, please click here


Following our initial social media shout out to see if others felt our village needed a childrens park, our committee comprised a questionnaire using survey monkey and printed hardcopies, the response was extremely encouraging and also sad to evaluate, this park was desperately needed, not just for the Children to have a safe place to play, but also to help bridge a gap of isolation that has formed.


Following lots of research we decided to contact four different providers - natural, modern, quirky and magical, we created four mock designs using the providers designs and established 'cluster groups', this ranged from Nursery to School and external sport provders, in the hope to get clear direction from all of the children of what they wanted, after all, this park is for them and future generations, they should be the ones deciding on what their park should look like!

Here are few responses from the community led questionnaire......

Question 5.     Do you feel your children are isolated due to a lack of shared social space currently available in Mitchel Troy and surrounding villages?

•       Its great that our kids have fields to play in but it would be lovely for them to have a park where others could meet and play, us parents would get a change to meet other parents.

•       A little

•       Very Much so.  There is no hub of the village so we don't know the local kids.  There aren't any play areas/safe places in walking distance.  We have to drive 2-3 miles to our closest park.

•       There is no where for children to play that is safe

•       Having just moved to the area from Bristol there is a distinct lack of suitable play parks in Monmouthshire.  They are either suitable for older children or have limited pieces so my 2 year old gets bored quickly.  It would be fantastic to have a hood play park so we can get to know more local children and parents

•       Yes would be good to have a community space

•       Yes especially living on a farm with few neighbours

•       Yes there are no places for kids to meet up around here just empty fields

•       We have benefited from the new park in Usk which is huge benefit to the community.  Families should not be expected to travel by car to a park.  The families of Mitchel Troy need a local park, accessible by foot or bike that draws the community together.

•       A little, while it's lovely to live in the countryside it's sad the kids can't just go to their friends 'see you in the park after school' something I took for granted growing up.

•       Yes we always have to get in the car

•       Yes, we would love to meet with our friends that live in the area and go to a park and have a picnic

•       I think a playground more local to me would help my children (and myself) feel more part of a community.

•       We need to meet up further afield as there isn't a local park.

•       I visit friends in Mitchel Troy but it is lacking suitable play area

•       I feel all children should have access to a social outdoor area that is safe and secure, it is definitely lacking in this area.

•       No because we have amazing neighbours with kids but otherwise yes they would be.

•       I wouldn't say isolated as we are fortunate that we can jump in a car to visit people and places

•       We have to go further afield to create opportunities for interaction.  Mainly, that is through play dates arranged in advance with classmates; it would be great to have somewhere to meet and socialise with families from nearby.

•       Yes, I grew up in Mitchel Troy and regularly take my children to visit grandmother who still lives there.  There is park close to use in Wyesham but nothing in Mitchel Troy when we visit.  It would really benefit the children to have somewhere and something to play with outside in Mitchel Troy.

•       Yes we always have to travel by car to get to a park.  Mitchel Troy has nothing for children.

•       No, but that's only because there are other community activities for them to meet other children – coffee mornings, the Grosmont market etc but these all cost money.

•       Yes, definitely.  There isn't really anywhere for children and families to gather and play together on a regular basis.  This is made worse by the fact the roads are dangerous for pedestrians, so we don't see other families out walking.  So it isn't east to even meet the families who live in our community.

•       Not exactly – they have social lives!  - but a village playground would significantly enhance their lives and help build a sense of local communities

•       Yes we are  very lacking in this type of facilities compared with urban conurbations

•       Yes, there is nowhere in Mitchel Troy for children to meet and play meaning parents/grandparents are having to travel to local towns to allow their children to get active and socialise.

•       Yes.  No available space for them to play currently

•       Yes they have no opportunity to connect in the community where they live

•       we make every effort to engage with others but it isn't always easy living out in the sticks.

•       Yes, outdoor play is very important and a shared space would allow better socialisation between local children.

•       Yes, there are times I feel this is true.  We often end up travelling to Monmouth, Raglan or various other places to meet with friends

•       Completely.  The village totally lacks identity due to no focal point – no shop, pub, park etc.  Its a great shame.  My children don't have any friends within the village but i'm sure there are plenty if only they (and I) had somewhere to go.

•       Yes, as there are no currently play facilities in the Village of Mitchel Troy

•       Yes and it's hard for them to fit in when we go to the local large park in town

Question 6      What would having a play area in Mitchel Troy mean to you and your family?

•       Be good to have a focal point to met and kids get to play without needing to pre-arrange and drive to.

•       Chance to be with others, nice to make memories

•       Be easier to get to and could bump into local families

•       Avoid having to travel by car to a park and facilities more spontaneous play activities

•       It would mean an accessible outside area, within walking distance, and a chance to meet other families

•       The World

•       It would mean we could have less screen time, more walking to the playground, more physical activity once we are there, more social time for the kids and parents.  It's essential and I wholeheartedly hope the bid is approved
Chance for the kids to grow and play together

•       Just chance to socialise with others

•       Would be good not to travel so far especially if it is for a quick visit

•       On the doorstep facility saving fuel and time

•       Somewhere safe to play

•       A huge amount

•       Clean, fresh air, fun

•       A place to meet friends and children can play together

•       It would allow us to meet other families and let our children do things they enjoy

•       Fantastic we would be able to walk to the park everyday

•       Greater opportunities for outdoor play and learning for our children

•       A great deal

•       Just a chance for the kids to play, mix and enjoy company of their own age, allowing them to bukd friendships for when all the country schools are sent to a high school, the children they grow up with will have created a strong bond so they shouldn't feel lonely.

•       A Lot

•       Meet Local People

•       Closer would mean we can visit more frequently

•       Able to get out and enjoy the fresh air and local community

•       It would be good for the children

•       A safe outdoor space to meet with family and encourage play

•       Free Space to let off steam

•       A Good place to mix with others

•       Access to a local park when visiting family

•       Get to know the local community

•       When we first moved here it would have helped with the feelings of isolation that a young family can have.

•       Somewhere safe for children to meet

•       It would mean friends can come visit here with something to do rather than have to go further out in the area to keep the kids entertained

•       That the children could come together and create a community who connect with each other

•       That we would be able to socialise closer to family and friends without having to travel

•       Having somewhere to catchup with friends where the children will be entertained to

•       We would almost certainly use it daily in dry weather.  If a shelter was included we would use it year-round

•       Get young children out in the fresh air

•       We love the outdoor life and spending quality time together, but the lack of facilities in our area does mean that we have to travel, even out of county to access safe and secure areas which is detrimental to our family as our child is autistic

•       We pass through Mitchel Troy regularly and would be likely to stop and use it, particularly in summer.  We never stop now in Mitchel Troy as there is no motivation to.  So it would mean we got to know the village and the community much better

•       It would provide us with a local more sustainable option.  It would be nice to see other parents and for the children to get to know other children in the area

•       It would be very exciting for the children to have a local play area:  they absolutely love the stimulation and physical challenge it affords

•       It would be lovely for the children to have somewhere to play, there is currently nothing available to them.  A play area would benefit the children so much, encouraging outdoor play and building friendships.

•       Create a village identity and bring families and children in the community together

•       We could have regular trips to the park in walking distance the cildren would have somewhere to go and other local children in the area

•       We would be thankful of a place to meet other families

•       A nearby place for them to go – also its on our way to square farm which is a favourite place for them to visit

•       It would provide a space for friends with children to meet

•       Outdoor time without having to drive

•       Absolutely amazing

•       It would be transformational in terms of the connections we could make in our community.  Children make friends quickly when they share experiences at playparks.  This then leads the wider families to forge new friendships and would lead to a stronger sense of support and community.  This is particularly significant for me, as I have no family nearby and my husband works away all week.  I would love to have this opportunity to meet more people and make friends in the village in which I live.  It would also give us a purpose to explore our village on foot.  We could walk to the park over the fields rather than always have to get in the car to go to a play park.  This would be great in terms of my children's health and fitness and attitudes to walking and exploring.

•       When I grew up in the village, it had a school, a pub and a post office.  Now they've all gone and something has been lost.  A shared space would go some way towards repairing the damage.

•       We would visit with friends after school

•       A great facility for more outdoor play and fresh air

•       A great deal.  My children could attend the park almost daily as it would be across the road from my house, providing them with a safe area where they can play with their friends.

•       Would mean somewhere to go that is safe and family friendly

•       Walking distance

•       We would visit regularly

•       A massive amount.  I have a very active little boy who is strong and full of beans.  Having somewhere local for him to play is a positive way for him to build his strength, friends locally and also for him to let out some of his energy which means he has a better balance and quality of life all around.

•       It would be somewhere we would visit regularly.  It would be a place to go with other friends in the local area and somewhere to meet more local people.  My children love the outdoors and it would be another option for getting them outside enjoying our beautiful countryside.

•       It would be nice to have somewhere close by to take the grandchildren

•       A safe place for my children to play and socialise

•       It would be a great asset to the whole community, somewhere safe where children and families can socialise, learn and play.

•       A play area would be fantastic addition to Mitchel Troy, somewhere on our doorstep for our children to go after school and at weekends, would be great.

•       Useful extra resource for grandchildren

•       It would be fantastic.  Much easier access to outdoor space, to make friends (them and me with other parents).  It would be invaluable and mean less screen time, more exercise, more socialising, more fresh air!

•       Create a meeting point for local children and families

•       To be able to scoot or cycle rather than load the car would be great

•       Ease of access, more active lifestyle

A place our kids can meet safely and feel a sense of identity.

Community Voice: Programs
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