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So a few years ago, friends met at the local 'pop up' pub in the village,

We all felt that our children have no where safe to meet and play within the village, as our children all went to different educational provisions, the children barely knew each other. 

If we go into town, it involves a car trip, bikes in boot, food, messages to see who's free and then who knows who will be there when the time comes, we all decided, we should pull our resources and try to build a park for our kids, in our village, to call their own!   How hard could it be???

So firstly we needed to find land, sat around the table were a mix of friends from the village, between our local sheppard and a farmer who had farmed the land for over 60 years, they talked us through who owned what fields, it was looking like an impossible task before it could begin. 

Mitchel Troy was once a thriving community:

  • Infant/Primary School

  • Post Office

  • Glentrothy Public house with bar and hotel

  • Mitchel Troy Day Nursery

  • Local Shop

All these amenities are now gone and yet new housing makes the village an ever growing community, once we would all be able to walk outside and chat to neighbours, now we lead a reclusive lifestyle with technology at our fingertips to attend to all our daily needs.  

Our local Vicar, suggested the field behind the local church, this was glebe land, they offered to contact the land agents to see if they would consider giving us a parcel of land to build a park, after a site meeting, we got a YES!

So now we had to establish if the residents of Mitchel Troy wanted this and if so, what did they want, initially we used social media to gauge public support and quickly realised that this was very much needed, a committee was created and we formalised the preliminary stages, we created a survey to capture the views of the community and investigated what we would need to make this a reality.

1.  Land

2.  Focused active committee

3.  Charity Status

4.  Bank Account

5.  Trustees

6.  Park Contractors

7.  Focus/cluster groups

8.  Planning Permission

9.  Funds to build the dream

10.  A lot of drive and patience

So, the big question, where are we now?

We have everything!  Our project begins on the 10th September 2020 and we hope to open to the community on Saturday 24th October 2020!

We all did it!

Story so far: About Us
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